NAV Limited
 Trust Companies
 Financial Advisors


NAV Limited is able to provide solutions to augment your current wealth management services, or with its partners, offer the seamless establishment of a full wealth management service from the installation of systems through product selection and staff training.
For your clients the NAV system can provide an internet valuation service that incorporates all of the financial product that you offer. This may be a limited list of mutual funds and unit trusts, or include a wide range of third party product incorporating protection products and wrap accounts such as insurance bonds.
End of day bank account balances may be included in the valuation reports with the option for the client to login to the banks secure transaction platform if required.
Alternately data may delivered back to the banks existing systems to provide up to date data for reporting purposes.
The navglobal software provides a management system that can be used to monitor business levels and provide assistance to your sales force through its CRM capabilities.
A defined back office process provides a template for settlement procedure that may be adapted to fit your business.

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