Global Matters Weekly – 5 September 2022

The Law of Lindy

by Tom Delic

— Often the most successful new businesses are centred around ideas that satisfy age-old basic human wants and needs.

In 1964, American author and academic Albert Goldman wrote an article in US magazine The New Republic, titled ‘Lindy’s Law’. While dining at Lindy’s, a New York delicatessen, Goldman became interested in the discussions that took place between entertainment industry veterans who frequented the restaurant and would analyse the latest televised comedy shows. While the Lindy effect is a useful heuristic to apply across many aspects of our lives, we can also use it as a filter in the portfolios we manage for clients.

Market Snapshot

  • Global equities fell by 3.3% last week
  • Commission President Von der Leyner is considering various measures to deal with the current cost of living turmoil
  • Brent crude fell by 7.9% over the week to $93.0 a barrel
  • Gold fell by 1.5% to $1712.2 per ounce