(IL)Liquidity of Property
by Jackson Franks — Analyst
— Open-ended property funds are not the only way to gain direct exposure to the property market
As mentioned in my previous blogs I am an avid Watford football club supporter. Although there are some ups and (a lot more) downs, being a Watford supporter has had one positive outcome. It’s enabled me to cope with the ever-changing UK political situation. Since David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister in 2016, following the UK’s vote to leave the EU, there have been three UK Prime Ministers over the preceding six years, with the fourth set to be announced.
Market Snapshot
- Global equities rose by 3.6% last week
- Xi Jinping was declared as the Chinese Communist Party Chief for a third time as he further consolidated his grip on power. His third term as General Secretary will make him the longest ruling Chinese leader since Chairman Mao
- Brent crude rose by 2.0% over the week to $93.5 a barrel
- Gold rose by 0.8% to $1657.7 per ounce