Imagine you didn’t have to work because you had a machine in your house that on a set day every month issued all the money you required to run your home, take holidays, buy a car, etc. For how much would you insure that machine against fire or theft? At least enough to make sure you still received the same amount of money each month?

The reality is that this cash machine is you. If you died then the money you made each month would also stop dead. Not to insure against this loss would be unwise, to say the least.

There are many types of life assurance available; cover for a set period, or cover that never expires. There is life
cover you can have whilst you are an expatriate that may not be applicable if or when you return home.

Protection is not only for when you die. What if you were still alive and in need of daily care? Or if you had a heart attack and needed to slow down? Is your medical insurance enough for you and your family?

It is certainly worth finding out how much it costs to insure yourself less the “machine” in your home stops working.

The difference between insurance and assurance? Insurance is probable, assurance is certain. It’s not a case of ‘if’ but ‘when’ will your assurance be required?

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